目录号 名称 CAS 描述
PC-74636 Rabbit Monoclonal PMP70 Antibody The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the superfamily of ATP-binding c......
PC-78981 Rabbit Polyclonal BMP2 Antibody BMP-2 belongs to the TGF-β superfamily of proteins. BMP-2 plays an important rol......
PC-78366 Rabbit Polyclonal Osteocalcin Antibody Osteocalcin, also known as bone gamma-carboxyglutamic acid-containing protein (B......
PC-77236 Rabbit Polyclonal CD31 Antibody PECAM-1 is found on the surface of platelets, monocytes, neutrophils, and some t......
PC-83771 Rabbit Monoclonal Sirt3 Antibody NAD-dependent deacetylase sirtuin-3, mitochondrial also known as SIRT3 is a prot......
PC-78382 Mouse Monoclonal VWF Antibody Von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a blood glycoprotein that promotes hemostasis, sp......
PC-77026 Rabbit Monoclonal Caldesmon Antibody Caldesmon is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CALD1 gene. Caldesmon is......
PC-90281 10%中性福尔马林固定液 该免疫组化固定液是由10%中性福尔马林溶液、磷酸盐缓冲液等组成,pH7.4。10%福尔马林渗透力强,固定均匀,对 组织收缩少,对脂肪、神经及髓鞘、糖等固定效果好......
PC-51628 ST-101 887603-94-3 ST-101 is a small peptide antagonist of C/EBPβ and T-type calcium channel activa......
PC-51849 SAK 3 1256269-87-0 SAK-3是一种新型的 nAChR 活性调节剂,可增强 T 型电压门控 Ca2+ 通道 (T-VGCC) 的活性,对 Cav3.1 和 Cav3.3 T 型 C......
PC-90367 免疫染色洗涤液 免疫染色洗涤液可用于免疫染色中一抗或二抗孵育后的洗涤。适当洗涤可以降低背景,增强信噪比。
PC-90063 冰冻切片快速抗原修复液(5X) 本品适合用于冰冻切片的快速抗原修复液,只需室温孵育5分钟即可完成对冰冻切片样品使用多聚甲醛、甲醛或其它醛类试剂固定后的抗原修复。
PC-59823 去离子甲酰胺 75-12-7 Formamide (deionizde) 是一种由甲酸衍生的透明液体酰胺。离子化溶剂。
PC-50612 1-EBIO 10045-45-1 1-EBIO 是钙离子敏感的钾离子通道激动剂,还激活根尖膜Cl电导CFTR通道。
PC-58417 Dihydrorhodamine 123 109244-58-8 Dihydrorhodamine 123是一种过氧化物酶底物,可用于检测ROS(活性氧物质)。ROS的存在可将二氢罗丹明123氧化成荧光衍生物罗丹明123。
PC-78331 Rabbit Polyclonal cGAS Antibody cGAS Antibody (C-1) is a high quality monoclonal cGAS antibody (also designated......
PC-83782 Rabbit Monoclonal STING/TMEM173 antibody Facilitator of innate immune signaling that promotes the production of type I in......
PC-52588 Atipamezole hydrochloride 104075-48-1 Atipamezole (MPV-1248) hydrochloride 是一种合成的α2-肾上腺素受体拮抗剂,Ki值为1.6nM。
PC-83374 Rabbit Polyclonal Glyt1 Antibody Terminates the action of glycine by its high affinity sodium-dependent reuptake......
PC-40361 YM-58483 223499-30-7 YM-58483(BTP2)是选择性(SOCE)阻断剂,,在Jurkat T细胞中抑制anti-CD3抗体所诱导的持续性钙离子流入。