目录号 名称 CAS 描述
PC-00857 Ginsenoside Rc 11021-14-0 Ginsenoside Rc displays anti-proliferative effects in human breast cancer cell l......
PC-10090 Angelol G 83199-38-6 Angelol G is a natural product from Angelica sinensis.
PC-00685 Lucidenic acid A 95311-94-7 Lucideric acid A is a natural compound isolated from Ganoderma lucidum, inhibits......
PC-10184 Cyclocephaloside II 215776-78-6 豆科植物蒙古黄芪 Astragalusmembranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.)Hsiao 或膜荚黄芪......
PC-10243 Stugeron 298-57-7 Cinnarizine是抗组胺剂和钙通道阻断剂, 促进脑血流, 用于脑中风, 创伤后脑症状, 脑动脉硬化的研究。
PC-00148 Psoralen 66-97-7 Psoralens are phytoalexins; they are used by plants in a defensive response to a......
PC-00830 Esculin 531-75-9 Esculin is a coumarin glucoside occuring in horse chestnut. It is used in the id......
PC-10124 Physalin D 54980-22-2 This product is isolated and purified from the herbs of Physalis alkekengi
PC-10046 Lanosterol 79-63-0 Lanosterol 是胆固醇生物合成中的关键三萜中间体。
PC-00630 Theobromine 83-67-0 A metabolite of Caffeine.
PC-00367 Lobetyolin 136085-37-5 Lobetyolin is a natural phenolic glycoside found in herbal remedies used in Chin......
PC-10038 Licoricidin 30508-27-1 Licoricidin (LCD) 从甘草 Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch 中分离,具有抗癌活性。
PC-00535 Oxyresveratrol 2-O-β-D-glucopyranoside 392274-22-5 Oxyresveratrol-2-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside shows better tyrosinase inhibitory act......
PC-00193 Goitrin 13190-34-6 DL-Goitrin is a sulfur-containing oxazolidine, a cyclic thiocarbamate, that redu......
PC-00177 Shikimic acid 138-59-0 Naturally occurring (-)-form is a major biosynthetic precursor of phenylalanine,......
PC-10148 cinobufotenine 60657-23-0 The glandular body of Bufo bufo gargarizans Cantor.
PC-00350 Chrysophanol 481-74-3 A topical ointment used in the treatment of dermal conditions such as eczema and......
PC-10220 Clotrimazole 23593-75-1 Clotrimazole is a synthetic, antifungal and broad-spectrum derivate of imidazole......
PC-10031 Glabrene 60008-03-9 Glabrene is an extract from licorice root and has been shown to enhance prolifer......
PC-00826 Dihydroartemisinin 71939-50-9 The main metabolite of Artemisinin, Arteether, Artemether, Artesunate. An active......